Terminator Day
Drawn on two 3″ x 5″ sticky notes to make a 3″ x 10″ cartoon. Here are more Terminator cartoons.
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nice one, I always thought that The Terminator meets Sesame Street would be a good one, where we find out that Bert is in fact a Terminator.
I love both films – so this is great – I literally laughed out loud XD
Hehe… other remakes…
The empire strikes back and back to the future….
Called, (I bet you’re there already), Stargate!
Ok, “the empire strikes back to the future”
“Use the DeLorean Luke…….”
Luke goes back in time, sleeps with his grandmother there, leading to the diologue: “Luke, I’m your father.” “Guess what Vader, I’m your father too.”
I can’t even begin to say how much I love this. This might already be my Favourite Of The Year.
I would watch this movie. But even if the Chicken Connor dies, then he/she can just repeat his/her day again! 😉
I just watched the Terminator TV series and I’m betting if it hadn’t been canceled they would have done a groundhog day. There is a Xena episode from season 3 that did it as well as the beloved Stargate episode where Jack kisses Carter. It seems to happen eventually in scifi shows. Of course the Bill Murry movie is awesomesauce.
Happy Groundhog Day!
Awesome. I love this series. Well done sir.
I bet that would be one of the worst days to have the “Groundhog Day” effect
Nice. Reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBBw9E2Q_aY
Terminator sequel idea #6. “Terminator” with chickens!
Mind blown?
I must stop being so analytical and just appreciate these cartoons for the genius of their creator: I was too fascinated by the fact the terminator chicken appears to have a skeletal structure similar to a human to fully appreciate the cartoon… but then I looked at the entire sticky note again ignoring this conundrum and I laughed (as always!!)!
T: Are you Sarah Chicken?
SC: Yes?
T: BLAM!!!!
muy bueno!
en verdad muuuy bueno!
How about Ground Hog Day meets the Office? Wait that’s my life. Brings new meaning to “I’ll be back.”
Genius^2 😉
I’ll be back. Takes on a whole new meaning now doesn’t it.
I started laughing at “I got you, babe” I loooove Groundhog day!
This crossover would be so great. I wonder what would Sarah has to learn or change to move to february 3rd…?
Oh sorry, I believe it’s Kyle, not Sarah the one repeating the day… chicken confuse me hehe
@brian: “Use the DeLorean Luke…….” ~ nice one, made me lol!
Seems to be a lot of chicken death lately. I hope they were delicious.
Love this comic. Laughed at “I got you babe” too. I need to see that movie again…
Ha Ha This is hilarious Doug. I loved both movies so it was real nostalgic for me