Currently viewing the tag: "3×12"

Cat Pathologist

Return of Cat Pathologist!

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How To Give Feedback 6-10

And it’s all good advice, for the most part. Except everybody can see through that whole good-bad-good sandwich thing these days.

Here are the first 5 lessons, from yesterday.

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Cat vs Tree 4

And so ends/begins my unplanned Cat vs Tree theme week!

I’ll be taking my customary holiday break this week, but I’ll be back with more chickens soon, starting with a 2020 year-in-review on December 31. In the meantime, you can catch up on older comics on GoComics, or see what my cats are up to on Instagram (and I might post some art stuff too) – Happy holidays everybody! 🙂

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Zep Broondar 4

The continuing adventures of Zep Broondar!

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Shop for Savage Chickens Gear

Visit the store for mugs, t-shirts, and other fun stuff.