Savage Chickens - Me Calling

More narcissism.

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19 Responses to Me Calling

  1. steve says:

    i have often wondered why people walk about with their mobile phones…

    : )

  2. DarkHawke says:

    High-five, bro! Absolute classic!

  3. Joe Cosper says:

    Nice one, Doug. Apparently, you have visited my office before.

  4. Tim Canny says:

    The first appearance of Opera Chicken! He’s obviously warming up for his next performance. And yes, he is a bit of a Prima Donna!

  5. DL says:

    This brilliant scientific data should be posted at my college library where strangely, there is no rule that you can’t use a cellphone.

  6. Dave D from WV says:

    I think it also directly correlates to the likelihood of complaining about someone else doing the same….

    More than once I have wanted to put a “Warning: High Noise Area” sign on someone’s office door!

  7. Adam says:

    Starting to dab into Indexed ( stuff?

  8. S. L. says:

    Hahaa, love it! Though I tend to be loud when talking on the phone, ups.

  9. Randall says:

    I personally would have put volume on the x axis and probability of npd on the y axis, but that’s just me 🙂

  10. dandroid says:

    Doug. If I write a psychology book, I will inquire about buying the rights to use some of your comics. 🙂 (also, I disagree with Randal about the Y and X axis)

  11. Jared L. says:

    What is so important that you have to talk to that person right now? If it is that important, to you, take it some where else because your conversation just isnt that important to me. BTW I will let you know if you seem to have forgotten.

  12. I’m so glad I found your cartoons. I get to bust a laugh almost every time I look at a new one — like just now, for instance. HA!

    My constant amusement is of utmost importance. Call me on my cell, so I can loudly tell you how your cartooning is all about ME, ME, ME!!

  13. Wildbird says:

    Run up a big cellphone bill

  14. AGirlNamedCorrie says:

    There’s a guy at work who this totally applies to… but not only cell phone conversations… regular phone conversations, conference calls, face-to-face conversations, conversations by himself… Can you make a chart about the volume of people’s inappropriate ringtones too? (Yes, he lets his phone ring with it’s inappropriate sound during meetings all the time.) :^)

  15. Dynamo3000 says:

    classic, doug. well done.

  16. mary taitt says:

    This is HILARIOUS!!! (And true!)

  17. Peter says:

    according to this, people who don’t talk on the phone has no ego. that’s not very accurate.

  18. max D says:

    For some reason, i read this in the voice of Beaker. Is that just me?

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