Savage Chickens - Mute

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6 Responses to Mute

  1. Laurence says:


    We lose phone techs here now and then when they get angry, think they’re putting a customer on mute, and then rip them up and down for being an imbecile.

  2. chikzrkul says:

    I can think of a few people I wish that would *accidentally* happen to, just so they’d know how people *really* feel about them!

  3. buttercupboxer says:

    if you’re gonna do it yourself, hope you know what you’re doin’!

  4. Jes says:

    I assume it’s Prod3000 on the phone as the word balloon is square.

  5. Doug Savage says:

    You’re right, Jes – that’s PROD on the line.

    Hey if anybody actually knows how to do this to a phone, let me know!

  6. ProfSci says:

    I could do it.

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