Savage Chickens - Future Poets

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23 Responses to Future Poets

  1. Fernanda says:

    Hahahahaha! Great!

  2. Dmitrij says:

    🙂 Those faces, full of inspiration

  3. fanfanfan says:

    HAHAHAHAHA Descares is a fart!

  4. Joe Cosper says:

    Children? This method works for the “grownups” in our office also.

  5. Lisa Long says:

    I just sent that to all the teachers at my two schools, and everyone is rolling! Thanks for the Friday chuckle!

  6. Marius G says:

    :)) hilarious!

  7. lindylu says:

    How about words that rhyme with orange? Let’s frustrate the little buggers.

  8. Tony Bond says:

    Pick me!
    Pick me!

    Bart Simpson, “Don’t have cow man.”


  9. Greg says:

    I feel a poem coming on

  10. FupDuckTV says:

    Farts are funny… Hee Hee

  11. Rachel says:

    Yeah, as a teacher, pretty sure I’ve done this before…what can I say? It works!

  12. Seraphine says:

    i have never heard a chicken fart. ever.

  13. BarefootMedia says:

    proper chickens cluck loudly when they fart, thus disguising how farty they really are. and establishing them as a noisy barnyard creature. and what with bird hygiene being what it is, they’ve always had an odor problem.

    how was my lesson learned? let’s just say, never light a match inside of a closed chicken coop unless you’re planning to raise the roof.

  14. shanadian says:

    This reminds me of the time my pet chicken William was so scared he farted…

  15. EvilGod says:

    Hilarious and I’m sure that it would work as a way to encourage kids but I was going to point out that Fart doesn’t even come close to rhyming with Descartes. That is of course until I checked and found that that Americans do pronounce it ‘day-kart’ whereas I was taught ‘day-Kar’.

  16. Mireille Albert says:

    OOOOhh myyyy Gosh!!!

    This cartoon is PURE. GENIUS.

    Doug, for this and other cartoons, I want to say:




  17. Aud says:

    I love this.

  18. Penny Smith says:

    I actually had to have a chat with the principal because I let my 5th graders use potty humor when learning about parts of speech. We were doing Mad Libs, and I didn’t care if they used fart, or poop etc, as long as they were using it in the correct form of speech. This cartoon makes my day!! Thanks!!!

  19. Jeremy says:

    stealthy chickens fart

    mastered the art of the silent fart

    god I wish it would depart that wretched silent fart

  20. adchick says:

    Brilliant. I love your humor!

  21. I wish for the good old days says:

    I think that’s why they made Captain Underpants…

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