Currently viewing the tag: "A-Team"

The A-Team

Dedicated to A-Team fan Derek (a.k.a Face-man)!

Here’s some more television.

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Here’s the story behind the creation of this comic:

  1. I began with the idea of the A-Team being hired to do non-A-Team tasks. Like rolling pennies.
  2. It wasn’t working for me, so I changed the mundane activity and mixed up the design. But I can’t really draw rakes. And I was still stuck on the idea that the mundane task would make B.A. Baracus furious.
  3. Months later, I picked up the old cartoon to give it another try. I added the flan pun and chicken versions of the actual A-Team characters.
  4. Finally I dropped the original ‘mundane’ idea completely and turned it into a lost episode. I added eyebrows to Face to make him more Face-like, and moved the flan to Hannibal’s side of the cartoon so the flan joke and image would be closer together. Here’s the full-size version.
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Savage Chickens - The A-Team

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Savage Chickens - Nostalgia

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