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12 Responses to Visions of Sugarplums

  1. doninstatesville says:

    There is no emperor but the Emperor of Sugar Plums (who needs ice cream anyway)!

  2. Connor says:

    All hail our sugarplum masters!

  3. Restiffbard says:

    Ok, that was so funny I jut went through the process of signing up with blogger just so I could comment and tell you how funny it was.

  4. John says:

    I’ve found their headquarters:


    Let’s nip this insurrection in the bud. Death to all Sugarplums. Onward to Vermont and victory. Are you with me?

  5. Mommmeeeee! says:

    Shouldn’t we be dancing or something?

  6. Greg says:

    What are “Sugarplums”?

  7. Kennedy says:

    I don’t know what’s scarier: robots taking over the world, or sugar plums taking over the world.

  8. TheGreatTimeWaster says:

    Will people with a high blood sugar level be the first to fall?

  9. John says:

    Dear Greg,
    Want to make your own?
    * 1 cup raisins
    * 1 cup bite-size pitted prunes
    * 1 cup dates
    * 1 cup currants
    * 1 cup candied cherries, dried cherries, or dried cranberries
    * 1 cup walnuts
    * 1/2 to 3/4 cup confectioners’ sugar
    * granulated sugar

    Using a meat grinder or a food processor, grind the fruit and nuts and mix well. Work into the mixture as much confectioners’ sugar as it takes to form 1-inch balls. Roll in granulated sugar, then place on a rack to dry for 24 hours.

    Merry Christmas

  10. Elwood says:

    What I want to know is why there are NO PLUMS in sugarplums?

  11. John says:

    Dear Elwood,
    Well, prunes are just geezer plums: ones that have become old, dried up and wrinkled (and believe me, as a once plum, now prune myself, I KNOW how that feels.)
    Merry Christmas

  12. Topher says:

    I, for one, welcome our new Sugar Plum overlords

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