Current Top Ten
- 1. The Internet
- 2. Faux Pas
- 3. Direction
- 4. Reassurance
- 5. Trouble Sleeping
- 6. The Art of Setting Realistic Goals
- 7. The Right Amount
- 8. No Gifts
- 9. Return of Tarp Ghost
- 10. The Plan For More
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Block their view of the top so they trip while getting off. That’ll teach them!
Wow, you wouldn’t like the train stations in Tokyo! -Eric
or in an empty elevator!
I love your site. It gives me a much needed laugh every day. And I agree – I also hate people who are too close in the supermarket and bump me with their carts. GRRRR!
Don’t wear deodorant and build up a sweat.
They won’t stand too close. Never again.
Learn to talk to yourself and make them **nervous**
lakenvelder, that’s a good idea! there was a guy who rode the Seattle busses who would mutter “symptomatic nerve gas” over and over. Very effective at making others back away nervously.
Worse: people who STAND STILL on escalators, as if it is some sort of freaking’ amusement park ride!
People I hate #5: People who can’t count.
Doug –
I whole heartedly agree with this. I thought it was just me. I have a fear of getting my shoelaces (even when I’m wearing slip on shoes) caught at the top of the escalator, so I take a giant step off. If someone is standing too close, I can’t take my big step.
Well uh…Personally im the kind of guy that likes to make people Uncomfortable on Escalators. Its in my job description actually. Im employed by Toys R us, who actually are in charge of a small group of elite individuals whose sole purpose in life is to annoy Post-It Cartoonists.
I’m very, very good at what i do.
Finnally a voice or should I say a cluck of reason in this crazy world. If you really want them to stop standing so close all you have to do is make them think your an escaped mental patient. You may be drug away but hey there not standing so close now are they.