Savage Chickens - Hitchhiker

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10 Responses to Hitchhiker

  1. brando_43 says:

    Dude, how can I get ahold of you via e-mail? I would like to talk to you. I’m not gay..nor a chicken.

  2. swervin22 says:

    How did the chicken cross the road?

  3. Humbug says:

    where’s the obligatory towel?

  4. chxnravn says:

    this one just makes me smile so big. it’s so simple, yet so much to it. one of my fav’s ever.

  5. Matt says:

    Noe this one needs to be a t-shirt.

  6. Lakenvelder says:

    Wow! Are we in Kansas yet?

  7. Anonymous says:

    what happens when the chicken gets picked up by a scary silent drifter in an old Buick? chicken salad? I smell *sequel,* Doug…

  8. Much Gooder says:

    Still doesn’t answer “why?”.

  9. Anonymous says:

    other side? Hey, does this chicken communicate with the deceased on TV, and tell the audience things that only the dead husband would know?

  10. Edric Hsu says:

    Go any further and he’ll reach The Far Side… 😛

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