Savage Chickens - The Interview

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10 Responses to The Interview

  1. treehugger says:

    i was actually asked this question in a job interview once (i said ‘maple’)

  2. The Freelance Cynic says:

    I’d be a redwood, ‘cos, you know, they’re cool…. *cough*

  3. Ellie T says:

    I’m almost disappointed in you, Doug. Do you know what day today is? Do you?

    It’s pi(e) day, for you’re information. 3.14. I was looking forward to some witty pi(e) cartoon in the afternoon, and I got a tree.

    But it was very funny, just like all the others!
    Way to go, Doug!

    I LOVE YOU!!!

  4. MsHairy says:

    I would definitely be log. It’s better than bad, it’s good.

  5. the chicken of mixed up words says:

    I’d be tree miles away from YOU, Mr. Loser Reporter Chicken!

  6. aly says:

    If I were a tree, I wouldn’t have to answer stupid questions.

  7. Doug Savage says:

    Ellie T, thanks for letting me know about Pi Day! I won’t let it go by next year without a cartoon!

  8. Cy says:

    Lol! What a witty answer.

    You should make a belated Pi Day comic.

  9. charlotte says:

    i love watching your humor evolve savage. good shit.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I know it’s lame , but the chicken could have said a Poul-Try.

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