Savage Chickens - Good Friday

More Easter fun.

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11 Responses to Good Friday

  1. Alayne says:


    Like the titanic movie – the boat sinks!!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Way to ruin it for everyone 🙁

  3. T. Shawn Long says:

    Ha! That’s funny.

    Of course, that totally ruins my plans to see ‘The Passion of the Christ.’ *much-beleaguered sigh*

    (Hey, I wonder if Mel Gibson knows that Jesus was Jewish? 8-])

  4. Anonymous says:

    HAHAHAHAHA!……. I don’t get it…..

  5. Ellie T says:

    teehee. that’s funny.


  6. <b>Miss Chelsea</b> says:

    This one’s great! I love it! 🙂

  7. Allen says:

    t. shawn long,
    Actually Mel didn’t get quite that far into the story.
    In the newly-released special edition dvd of the Passion, Jesus rips himself off the cross and battles it out with Pontius Pilate in the Thunderdome! Two men enter! One man leaves!

    Besides, that’s quite a spoiler, considering that it looks like the chicken is reading in Jeremiah somewhere.

  8. Paunchy Pilot says:

    I foresee a running theme on

  9. The Freelance Cynic says:

    Oh this one made me chuckle! Just imagine all the spoiler alerts you could have for the bible.

    Begining with – ‘they eat it you know.’

  10. Anonymous says:

    ROFLMAO!!!!I love it!

  11. don't eat alone says:

    Great stuff!

    I found you through emerging sideways. I’m glad I did. I’m adding you to my blog roll.

    Thanks for the laugh.


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