Savage Chickens - Mutant Showdown

This one’s dedicated to Knitters Without Borders!

More Useless Mutants: 12345

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18 Responses to Mutant Showdown

  1. Anonymous says:

    This should so be a spin-ff series.

  2. Jen says:

    Shear madness!

  3. Lynn says:

    Chicken-loving knitters of the world thank you!

  4. SeriousCat says:

    LOL LOL that is just brilliant.

  5. Anonymous says:

    and another one without a chicken!

  6. Roz says:

    Is this a murder skein?

  7. Kat says:

    I need this one on a t-shirt.

  8. June says:

    ACK!-rylic yarn has me in a tangle.

    T-shirt – seriously consider it?

  9. Raquel says:

    Why is wolverine a lamb?

  10. Anonymous says:

    hahahahahahaha… v. punny…..

  11. Ellie T says:


    As a side note, no chickens.

    As another side note, Woolverine looks pretty fierce to me. Not too useless.

  12. Mags says:

    you are a goddamn genius. awesome. as hell.

  13. Faith says:


  14. Mander says:

    BRILLIANT! Agree, I need a t-shirt with this one!

  15. Doug Savage says:

    Thanks everybody for all the great comments. Knitters are awesome!

    I’ll see what I can do about a t-shirt for this one. Maybe a wool t-shirt!

  16. belphebe says:

    A tote bag might be better for all those knitters: some place to put their current knitting projects.

    Or both a tote bag and a t-shirt?

  17. jen c says:

    love it love it love it!

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