Savage Chickens - Welcome to Hell

More work. More hell.

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22 Responses to Welcome to Hell

  1. Miss_K says:

    LOVE the sharp teeth on Devil Chicken!

  2. 2Rabbits says:

    Too close to reality for me.

  3. Jenny says:

    Oh, too perfect. I’ve always thought that hell was a cubical farm.

  4. Deb says:

    I love it. I sent it to my boss.

    mwa hahahahahaaaa

  5. lioness says:

    hahahahahaa! That was awesome! There are those days…

  6. Lakenvelder says:

    ha ha ha

  7. Allen says:

    Ah yes! The 4 1/2th circle of the Inferno, which Dante missed! It’s created for people who read Savage Chickens at work instead of doing whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing.

    See ya there.

    P.S. Nice cat-like eyes on the horn-ed one!

  8. Rob says:

    I know how that feels.

  9. tazcat says:

    Welcome to my life… 🙁

  10. The Great Time-Waster says:

    This one’s great.
    Do (devil) chickens have teeth?

  11. Raquel says:

    hahahaha!!! 🙂

  12. The Freelance Cynic says:

    Devil chickens are so cool! Can i breed them? Do I have to do very naughty things with chickens to get one…?

  13. Bridget says:

    Ah….Another one that reminds me of my days working for the Florida State Government.

    Thanks, Doug!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Amen to that. Hehe. Reminds me of my days at Expedia. So happy I’m outta there.

  15. Irim says:

    Oh my god, that’s me in the middle of mass, waking up during the homily…


    Those sharp, pointy little teeth make me wonder if the Pythons were wrong, and it was a killer chicken, not a killer rabbit…


  16. Anonymous says:

    I dunno what’s up with satanic and/or demonic chickens, but including Savage Chickens now I know 3 webcomics that have them 😀

    Frightening comic anyway *brrr* Many thanks 🙂

  17. Topher says:

    Now *that* was a laugh-out-loud!
    Thanks Doug.

  18. Edric Hsu says:

    How come everyone’s talking about the sharp teeth on Devil Chicken but totally missed its bull horns?

  19. Wildbird says:

    And at work th boss is as scary as the devil can be

  20. Ant says:

    I hate repeating work days! 🙁

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