Savage Chickens - Prank Call

Another call.

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14 Responses to Prank Call

  1. Burning says:

    Freedom is not something that anybody can be given, freedom is something that must be taken.

    Run fridge.

    Run- your freedom is close, fridge.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That’s sooooo me and taylor!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Apparently the toaster and the microwave had a head start! They are nowhere to be seen in the picture. 🙂


  4. K.Kouky says:

    My Mom use to prank me with the same joke….had it only been true!!

  5. Seraphine says:

    Wait, wait! I think
    Prince Albert is
    in that refrigerator!

  6. Ian Castruita says:

    That fridge needs to make a cameo in later comics.

    Make him a running gag (sorry).


  7. Jen says:

    Somebody needs an exterminator reeaaal bad. 😛

  8. Gerald Ford says:

    Rascally lil’ Fridge!

  9. Dragos Ionita says:

    Awesome! For some reason I find this enormously funny 🙂

  10. Ellie T says:

    just in case you are interested in more math-related days (such as the ever fun pi day (3/14)) then let me direct your attention towards another: October 23 (10.23) is Mole day, in reference to Avogadro’s number (6.022×10^23 hence 10/23). and that whole week is National Chemistry Week. just so you know. as you can see, i’m a bit of a science and math nerd…

  11. Ada says:

    this is just plain hilarious.

    Doug, you seem to have influenced today’s Bizarro: (or is it just me?)

  12. Steve O says:

    No doubt running to meet up with Prince Albert now that he is out of the can.

  13. Matt says:

    Peer Genius… reverse prank call 😛

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