Barry White 7
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Pole dancing tofu … I have seen it all.
That is a kick-ass owl Timmy’s got there. Better than my mother’s… and he doesn’t even have hands!
Mom’s were always lopsided. The whole house was filled with wonky owls.
That probably explains a few things about my psyche. “Macrame Owls and their Relation to the Unconscious” ???
hey doug–
im a huge fan of your cartoons, and i look forward to getting them in my email everyday!! i send them to my friends, and they love them too (shout out to amy, sam, emily and betsy).
my birthday is feb. 10th., and i will be 25.
can i have a b-day cartoon?!
I came by to comment about the impressive owl drawing… It’s like you took it out of someone’s living room. Also, the comic was funny 😀
feeling quite aroused by the Pole Dancing Timmy…
(help me! call Freud someone!)
Look, if Sara gets a birthday cartoon, then we ALL should get birthday cartoons!!! Nov 13, the big three nine, Iamnotashamed!
I’ve got my eye on you!
Wow! My birthday is Nov 13. And I just stumbled here. What are the chances?
I wonder how many anonymous people out there have birthdays on November 13th??