Tagged with: Negative Reinforcement • Operant Conditioning • Psychology • Therapy • Threat • Violence
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A.) Negative reinforcement is the removal of negative stimulus. IE, “Stop using negative reinforcement if you want me to stop kicking your ass.” What you used is punishment.
B.) Reinforcement was Skinner, not Freud.
Still love your work, really funny stuff.
maybe that’s why Freud looks so surprised!
i like Freud’s turtleneck
Who knew Chuck Norris saw Sigmund Freud?
Doug made no mistake. Explanation:
The Chickens are Freud fans, so
A.) Chicken (let’s call him Bob), so Bob wants him to stop using Skinners teaching
B.) Bob’s using punishment instead of reinforcement, because he doesn’t like Skinner. He would even hurt Freud to stop him from using reinforcement
Still love your comment,
really…erm…intelligent stuff.
Definitely it’s negative reinforcement because Freud will avoid or escape from the negative situation.
I love that cartoons!
I know I’m late to the party, but nitpicker is correct. To clarify:
Reinforce means to cause a behavior to occur more frequently, punish means to cause it to occur less often. Since Bob the Chicken wants Freud to use negative reinforcement less often, it is definitely a punishment.
It is specifically positive punishment, because the chicken is going to add a stimulus. A negative punishment would be if Bob tells Freud that he’s going to lose his cocaine if he doesn’t quit.
This method of behavior modification is called operant conditioning, usually credited to BF Skinner, as opposed to classical (Pavlovian) conditioning.