Current Top Ten
- 1. The Internet
- 2. Faux Pas
- 3. Direction
- 4. Reassurance
- 5. Trouble Sleeping
- 6. The Art of Setting Realistic Goals
- 7. The Right Amount
- 8. No Gifts
- 9. Return of Tarp Ghost
- 10. The Plan For More
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The Jewish Mom Burger Bar – park over there and I will bring you the food which I have slaved over a hot oven all day long preparing, not that you would appreciate it, but as long as you are happy….
How do you do it!?
Snort! Is there a big boat and little boat subsection? And what if Buddha says its time to be vegetarian? Does that mean you’ll starve?
I would like a Buddha Burger franchise please.
I gave you $8. The total was $7.50. Where’s my change?
Change can only come from within, my son.
Oh my goodness! It’s like Russia!
Except the chicken seems to have some semblance of customer service…
i always wondered
where budda bellies
came from. now i know.
For good luck, do customers rub the belly of someone who has eaten too many Buddha Burgers?
Your comics have been getting funnier every day!
What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor?
“Make me one with everything!”
Ha ha, this one was brilliant !