Savage Chickens - Next For NASA

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9 Responses to Next For NASA

  1. buttercupboxer says:

    man the tiny plastic castles! the sea monkeys are coming!

  2. Anonymous says:

    OMG! my 3 year old son was telling me just the other day the long and convoluted tale of the Sea Monkey. I was sure it was his own very active imagination, but now I realize it’s in fact the next NASA initiative.
    BTW – according to my son, the Sea Monkey is light blue in color and is friendly with sharks.

  3. insiderbox says:

    I forsee failure and disappointment in NASA’s future and I’m not psychic (but I used to be a kid).

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! It’s NASA’s latest attempt to capture the public’s attention (thereby increasing NASA’s budget.) But this time they are going after our children. Elementary school children are easily hypnotized by the flash and zoom of space, until they are destined to become, dare I say it, engineers!

    We’ve got to stop NASA before it is too late. Think of the children!

    Won’t someone please think of the children!

  5. Seraphine says:

    where there’s water, there’s life.
    where there’s sea monkeys,
    there’s intelligent life.
    at least, in the context of the american political system.

  6. eliannrad says:

    Let’s see how many Sea Monkey kits we can buy and send to NASA.

    Once my sister tried to raise Sea Monkeys.

    They all died after a few weeks, I think.

  7. Mags says:

    I love this. T-shirts!

  8. Luwano says:

    Erm….if the Sea Monkeys are sent to Mars….aren't they Martians then?
    Will they come back, kidnap humans and make medical experiments with them? Dry their bodies so their kids can revive them by putting them into water, where they raise humans for fun? And will the Martian/Sea Monkey space-program send dried humans to Jupiter if they find water there? Hmmmm….

    I'm getting headaches right now.
    Good cartoon…I think…. &=^

  9. Diego says:

    sea monkeys on mars! woohoo! (dude, i still read you. thank god for rss)

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