Savage Chickens - Game of Suspense

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15 Responses to Game of Suspense

  1. HalfaMaster says:

    Oh thats an clasic xD. Has the movie has been transformed into an game :O? i dodnt think so =P

  2. tharunya says:

    The tongue sticking out of the chicken’s mouth in panel 2 is priceless.

  3. Chris says:

    I guess people are finally tired of video game adaptations of superhero movies.

  4. Melanie L says:

    Ok, this made me snort-laugh my coffee. Rear Window is one of my favourites, too!

  5. Seraphine says:

    cheaters never prosper!

  6. Aud says:

    “rear window?” I don’t get it. Although I do like the complicated button combo just to hand someone binoculars.

  7. RM Pitts says:

    What about “Gone with the Wind” for the Wii?

  8. leadfoot says:


  9. Futil1ty says:

    Needs more violence.

    No, seriously.

  10. Annie says:

    I don’t get it.

  11. I am John Riccitiello of Electronic Arts. We are very interested in your video game concept.

  12. Tony Single says:

    This is why I prefer to play with my Wii. I can just vaguely shake the wiimote around and stuff happens, just anything, whether I want it to or not!

  13. speedangel says:

    ^^wow is that guy serious?…scary

  14. Berty says:

    The release of Heavy Rain once again proves that life imitates art.

  15. Samuel says:

    LOL! Though they did actually make a “Grease” video game, LOL! In seriousness the hitchcock film that needs to be made into a game is North-by-North west.

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