Savage Chickens - Childlike Wonder

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15 Responses to Childlike Wonder

  1. Of course he stops time! Otherwise why would that special night feel so – SO – interminably long?

  2. annhltr says:

    He didn’t ‘choose’ to believe though.. 😉

  3. doni says:

    I LOVE Christmas.. and I wish I was still a little girl and believed in Santa Claus. Now it means a different thing for me but.. the magic was .. I miss it (:

  4. CruciFire says:

    Realization strikes… his life will never EVER be the same again!

  5. Granny Annie says:

    They all thought this but were smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Hilarious!

  6. Tim Canny says:

    Those darn kids! Always ruining Christmas for everybody!

  7. Dinana says:

    Oh Doug, this is so funny I can hardly stand it!

  8. Zork says:

    but…but…I thought he flew backwards across the international date line or something?!?

    There’s always that ONE kid (er, I mean chicken!) in school who ruins it for everyone. Usually teaches the swear words and dirty jokes too. Was that you, Doug?

  9. Jared says:

    What are we saying here? That Santa isn’t …. real????? Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Toits (not pronounced as you think it is) says:

    well, one theory is that there is a parallel universe or dimension created that has a different time flow than ours: christmas night in our u./d. is much longer in Santa’s (and he doesn’t get hungry/full/tired etc.) so he has all the time in (his) world [T. Pratchett’s theory]

    but mostly that modern Santa sh… stuff is early twentieth century coca-cola marketing.
    The real santa lives in Finland and he doesn’t do much, also he doesn’t have any elves or gnomes or other magical little people (not to mention flying reindeer.
    like i said, coca-cola marketing

    (((Lies I tell you, Lies!!!)))

  11. kristina says:

    Well actually, since the reindeer are all females (they still have their antlers at the end of December, whereas males drop theirs in late November), this explains how they are able to drag a fat guy in a red-suit all of the way around the world in one night, without getting lost!

  12. Luwano says:

    If Santa does not bring the presents and the parents believe “this crap”, how do the presents get under the tree then?

    And who eats the cookies and drinks the milk?

    Karl Marx and Mr. Stinky?

    I don’t think so, doubtful little chicken!


  13. Aud says:

    HA! How the tables have turned!

  14. Expired Tea says:

    Where’d he get his flying reindeers?

  15. Part Time Ninja says:

    Dude! Santa is totally real!
    I saw him at the mall yesterday.

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