Savage Chickens - Think Fast

Thus ends Zombie Neurology week!

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14 Responses to Think Fast

  1. teli says:

    Great. Pure f*cking genius. The whole week.

  2. vlad says:

    doug savage,all my respect!you are a genius!this cartoons are better than family guy

  3. vlad says:

    these*.my bad

  4. Great week!
    I can’t wait until we get a new thematic week.


  5. Jeff says:

    Zombie Chicken did not eat the whole brain…he must have just been “peckish”.

  6. Mike T says:

    Thank you for this weekend we also love you.

  7. Mike T says:

    Thank you for this weekend, week I mean, we also love you.

  8. Georga says:

    I have really enjoyed zombie neurology week, although it makes me wonder about my own neurologist. It’s been the laugh that I needed during a very stressful week. Thank you very much!

  9. WhizGidget says:

    So very awesome! Thank you for Zombie Neurology week!


  10. Bri says:

    Oh I just figured it out…the Zombies have different PUPILs than the other chickens!!!!

    but dang – thats a pretty huge bite out of the brain…sure its not dead yet?

  11. Red says:

    Love it! 😛

  12. Seraphine says:

    i hate when my brain gets error messages,
    especially the “stop 0xA0” error when i’m trying to do hibernation.

  13. Douglas Troy says:

    The zombie series has been excellent. Great stuff!

  14. shanadian says:

    This was an awesome week, and much of it is thanks to you!

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