Hey everybody – I’ve got some good news! I’ve signed with Danielle Svetcov of the Levine Greenberg Literary Agency and we’re working out the details for a Savage Chickens book project. It looks like it’s gonna be a lot of fun and I’m really excited about working with Danielle to get the chickens into print. I’ll keep you posted with details as soon as I can!

In the mean time, if you’ve got ideas about what you’d like to see in a Savage Chickens book, let me know! You can leave a comment here or send me an email.

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58 Responses to Book project in the works

  1. mr. monkey says:

    Book needs more chickens!!

  2. ashley says:

    I wan to see more Timmy Tofu!!!! : D

  3. Ellie T. says:

    Congrats, Doug!

  4. luke says:

    a whole book of star wars chickens. like, that wpuld be awesome. maybe in vol.2. congratulations!

  5. Vaibhav says:

    Congrats Doug! Its been coming for you! Lets get more piranjabies!

  6. Lee says:

    I think the cartoons need to be on sticky notes which are stuck (firmly) to the pages.

  7. Book should include recipes for chicken and tofu.

  8. HeidiRenee says:


    Thanks for brightening my M-F with your humor and art – I really enjoy it. It’s one of my first stops each a.m.

  9. mickey hennigan says:

    Traveling chicken

  10. Angela says:


    I love everything with PROD3000.

  11. momow says:

    i want to see chickens in this book

  12. shanadian says:

    How about every single cartoon you’ve ever made since you started Savage Chickens? I’d like that in a book.

    Ooh, will the book be post-it note sized??? That would be perfect!

    I personally like sci-fi reference cartoons. I’m a Trekkiegatewhovian if you can decipher what that means. Do you have any Stargate cartoons?

  13. Sara says:

    Yay! It’s about time if you ask me!

  14. Sage says:

    Awesome! I was just thinking you ought to have a book! And as for other projects, I really liked your chicken animation too! Keep on keeping on, and Congrats!

  15. sherry says:

    Cool, congrats. Love advertising on your site. Your cartoons just make my day.

  16. Dani says:

    Thinking outside the box! I had that hanging in my cubicle until Prod (I mean “the boss”) finally figured it out.At least I had a couple month run!

  17. tyson says:

    That’s fantastic! I can’t wait to see it!

  18. Dinana says:

    “The Daily Cluck”

  19. Matt says:

    My first thought at a format would be a journal covered in sticky notes as if they were newspaper clippings. Though it would quickly become annoying if you take it too far (too “sloppy” with image rotation or “stains” on the pages).
    As the book will probably be 4-color (and suggest a 5th color so you can get the sticky note yellow just right (or i guess 2-color — black with the spot yellow)) I am imagining a composition journal, like a large-size moleskin with lined paper (complete with elastic strap!), each sticky scrapbooked two to a page vertically. If you wanted to split the comics into themes, you could write an introduction to a theme on the lined paper, or if you wanted to comment or tell a story about a particular comic, you would have the space as well. You would also have to hand write the overleaf info, title page and your author info in the back (instead of a font description page, you could talk about the pen you use to write/draw with).
    Front cover is black with a sticky on it. Back cover, well, publisher will want to put a lot of stuff here and, being a soft back book, I can’t fight it. Would be great if it could be hand-lettered as well (on overlapping stickys) with the ISBN number (which you can’t draw) on a little sticky of its own.

  20. belphebe says:

    Do more animations like “Phantom Mountain” and put those in the book!

    Oh wait, that might not work…

    Congratulations! This is great news.

  21. lisa says:

    Congratulations! When it comes out, can you autograph my copy, pretty please? 😀

  22. Radu says:

    Excellent idea !!! 😀 I’d love to see it like a cube 😀 maybe 20x20x20 cm

  23. Jeanette says:

    Yay! That’s awesome, can’t wait to buy one!!!

  24. Kathleen says:

    Very eggciting!

  25. Joe says:

    Put all of your comics into it, with chapters. (zombie chickens; timmy tofu; etc.)

  26. Lauren says:

    Congratulations on the book, Doug!

    I think the book should have bios for the characters, but in addition to the book, I want action figures.

  27. WhizGidget says:

    The origins of Prod3000 – I know ‘Automation’ explained him being invented, but I think there’s more under that.

    And I think there needs to be more Prod3000 cartoons in the world. It’s like a robotic Dilbert strip – but funnier!

  28. kate from Scotland says:

    many congratulations!!!
    More chickens in hell ..and all the pirates. When do you expect to see it in print?

  29. Patrick says:

    Pop-up 3D folding chickens, of course!

  30. justastranger says:

    Sounds great, chickens FTW!!

  31. I’m going to chime in and second the post-it note size cartoon idea. Maybe too small for a book, but if they could be mounted center on the page, that would be sweet.

  32. Angela says:

    Chickens through the ages. My favorite comic book artist (who’ll remain nameless) was uh, enthusiastic but not very refined in the beginning. I LOVE to look at how his artistic style has improved over the years. To a lesser degree you’ve done the same. (Trust me, your first comic was MUCH more well drawn than his. 😉 How about a page or two showing comics from your first up to your most previous with an even amount of time having passed between each. An evolution of your drawing style, if you will.

  33. Tina (a.k.a. Angela's roomie) says:

    A chicken paper doll with different outfits. Photocopy-able for those of use unwilling to mangle the actual book of course!

    Since you will have more room, a Timmy Tofu porno. “Somebody order a BIG tofu pepperoni pizza?” Feel free to use black censor rectangles to spare us from the details.

  34. jfore1 says:

    Congratulations! This is a big deal! Definitely need a whole lot of office chickens & Prod3000…

  35. CMunk says:

    It should, as many have probably already suggested, look as much like post-it notes as possible. Maybe by attatching the pages in the top.

  36. Jazzy says:

    Please, please, please… more irrational fears.

  37. Eric says:

    Congrats, Doug!!

    You could make a flip-book style animation in the corner. Also, I second the “more irrational fears” comment.

    Can I pre-order one now? Can I get a signed copy?

  38. gnomebody says:



    and zombies.

    together maybe.

  39. Boo Boo Honeypaw says:

    I think it would be great if you could print it on sticky-note-yellow paper (pastel yellow?) in a square format, but larger than an actual sticky note (like 6″x6″) so I could drink in all the awesome art without so much whitespace around each comic. Almost all of your comics are basically b&w line art (except for the St. Patrick’s day/Dr. Banner one, as I recall), so (except for that one page–and you could maybe use a fluorescent green for just that one page, ooh) you could use a single-color printing process, thus containing costs somewhat.
    Bob the Angry Flower is drawn by former Canadian Stephen Notley, and Stephen’s put out several books; what I really like about the Bob the Angry Flower books are the extras, such as end notes explaining the cartoon (where appropriate), and essays about changes in the format and just essays on elements of Stephen’s comic, like robots and light-speed travel. I guess what I’m asking for is “the liner notes” for your comics (if you will forgive the record/CD analogy), since people who shell out cash for the book aren’t *just* looking for a quick gag. A little more text could help to introduce your work to someone unfamiliar with it; for example, if the book is available at a reasonable price by December, I would love to give these out as Xmas gifts to my unsuspecting family, and introductions and comments might unconfuse them as to why it was done on sticky notes and such.
    I look forward to giving you money in exchange for Savage Chickens books.

  40. rotts says:

    Chapters of PROD3000, Tommy Tofu, pirates, zombies, hell, etc. But keep the sticky notes format (maybe 6 per page?). Can’t wait!

  41. Granny Annie says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! And,we can all say we knew you when.

  42. Angela says:

    all your zombie ones

    and mutants. anything about work. genetics gone bad ones…..

    How about a portion of the book is a flip-animated series?

  43. Dinana says:

    Look at how big your following has become! YES!! signed copies please! That would be a treat!

  44. K says:

    I really liked the idea of including chicken and tofu recipes. And to be honest, I’m not sure of the loose sticky-note ideas. Unless they were just images, I think I would get annoyed with loose papers everytime I turned the page. No matter what, when I see this book I’ll definitely be purchasing at least one copy!

  45. Klaus says:

    Easy: A4 size (approx US size is ‘Legal’). Front cover is your image of the hundreds of chickens, simply black on yellow.
    Feel free to create a new image, just for the cover – perhaps with a single pane, no-text cartoon on the front, with lots of (slightly different) chickens in the background.

    Some introduction text (how did you get started, your website, favorite comics), and then simply all your cartoons in sequence. All of them, even the very early ones. Printed on the pages looking like sticky notes, but only ‘looking like’ – obviously you’d want this to last for quite a while.
    I’d suggest 3×4 images per page, but if you can, 2×3 would be better (larger), although the book would be a lot thicker.

    At the end, a short paragraph, promising us another book as soon as there are enough cartoons again.

    I’d buy that immediately. Especially if you put the link here on your website, payable via PayPal. Probably use this to send copies to some of my friends, too 🙂


    PS: Signed copies? Ooooh yes, can even have a slightly higher price. Perhaps even with a chicken sketch from you…

  46. Sam says:


    I think the obvious side-project is a post-it note desk calendar!!

    I look forward to buying your book and several copies for my friends.


  47. Roger R says:

    Lots of chickens, naturally. And anything else that takes your fancy.
    Whatever’s in it, I want one!

  48. SWR says:

    I like when you explain where the idea/inspiration came from- maybe a yellow sticky square in the top middle of the page with a blurb below explaining either the comic (like that Canadian bird/food craziness) or all the ‘sick’ comics when you had the flu-

    Now you know why so many people don’t share their baby names before the baby is born- because they don’t want everyone to tell them what to name the baby!!!! However you create this ‘baby’ I’m sure you will do a fine job!

  49. CEF says:

    May I suggest a new character? A Weasel!!!

  50. ramonathepest says:

    I, too, would love a signed original. Good luck with all your endeavors(ours). You are a wonderfully talented cartoonist who deserves all accolades.

  51. kgoule says:

    Sweeeeeet !
    i’d like to see a picture of you dressed as a chicken…

  52. John says:

    Cameos, baby. Stars from other strips will line up for a moment of glory in your book. Think Spiderman: The ultimate ninja! Also second the motion to match up Prod 3000 with Dilbert. They were obviously separated at birth. Finally, please please PLEASE let Jason and the Reaper carve up Marmaduke. Thank you.

  53. Anuj says:

    i like the idea by Klaus on August 10th, 2009 3:12 am (comment #46)
    i am all for it

  54. Mo says:

    Congrats, Doug!
    As a long-time fan, I have been hoping for a “Savage Chickens” book for ages!
    Please include my all-time favorite: Free Range Chickens


  55. Alex J says:

    Way to go Doug!
    You and your chickens rock!!!!!!!
    I will be buying a copy for each of my office staff!!!
    Second motion on Patrick’s Pop-up 3D folding chickens idea!

  56. kim says:

    Love the Shakespeare and education parodies. definitely need more of those. And of course, Chuck Norris.

  57. Dante says:

    Omg Congrats
    I want one

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