Savage Chickens - Friday the 13th: Part VIII

Happy Friday the 13th!

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15 Responses to Friday the 13th: Part VIII

  1. Antonio says:

    What the… thanks for making me laugh out loud… I mean, it was okay, until the white socks with black shoes. That did it. Although, the gesture with the parking ticket is classic. 🙂


  2. Mike T says:

    Wohooo !! I was waiting for this day for so long, ha ha, you are the best of the world Doug thx 4 makin every Friday the 13th special, Have a happy Friday 13th everybody! Watch some Gore movies, ha ha.

  3. Teg says:

    Only MJ can get away with the black shoes and white socks!

  4. Justin says:

    Bwha ha ha!
    I love it.
    And congrats on the book deal. You deserve it! I’m in South Africa, but I will definitely order a copy.

  5. steve says:

    lol, in the parking ticket frame, the chicken looks like it’s giving the finger to the parking ticket.

    : )

  6. Jean Marc says:

    I always knew he was a lot more dangerous than everyone knew. And a cheese thief, too. Thanks Doug.

  7. Tony Bond says:

    Petty Cheese Larceny

    Now I know who took my Cheese!

    It was Gouda


  8. Mary says:

    I always look forward to your Friday the 13th panels Doug! Happy Friday the 13th!

  9. Seraphine says:

    this is scary. i just saw him yesterday.

  10. Randall says:

    Well, if Jason bought that mattress, it’s ok!

  11. Momz says:

    The expression is priceless…sooo guilty but he just can’t help himself esp pulling that DO NOT REMOVE tag. Keep it up Doug

  12. Blizno says:

    Why did the insanely murderous chicken jaywalk across the road?

  13. Kwenza says:

    these things are PURE genius. Doug,you bring light and humour into my life 😀 this cartoon especially appeals to me cos i was born on Friday the 13th of September,and i have absolutely terrible luck with EVERYTHING! im also a South African,and i just love Savage chickens. Ps,the stolen cheese is beautiful (im a fan of cheese)

  14. Aud says:

    I. KNEW. IT. XD..!!!!!

  15. Gagarin says:

    ahahah white socks = horrable 🙂

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