Savage Chickens - Jabba

More Star Wars.

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10 Responses to Jabba

  1. steve says:

    lol, Princess Leah Chicken drops one.

    : )

  2. Justin says:

    he he he. I like it too Mr Savage.
    Hey, you should check my blog out sometime.

  3. McFranky says:

    Poor Jabba always gets blamed…

  4. Seraphine says:

    why does everybody always think its me?
    because everybody knows women and chickens don’t fart.

  5. Seraphine says:

    p.s. doug, for some reason your webpage is getting slower and slower to load/access. are other readers having the same problem?
    i’m not sure why this is happening, but i *think* it might be the number of ads you’re running?

  6. Doug says:

    @Seraphine – it’s a traffic thing. It’s been pretty high this morning – looks like I might be due for a server upgrade soon!

  7. Seraphine says:

    oh wonderful to hear you’re busy!
    i hope you keep getting more and more traffic. the *world* needs to see your wonderful post-it notes/comics.
    my day isn’t complete without coming here.

  8. Aud says:

    Something very funny about how the “bikini” looks on Chicken Leia.

  9. Linda says:

    Ahhhhhh! Princess Chicken Leah lost her wings!! Does Jabba have something to do with that???

  10. Wildbird says:

    And SALACIOUS CRUMB is wearing a gas mask

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