Savage Chickens - Forgettable Badass

More Useless Mutants.

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14 Responses to Forgettable Badass

  1. Nick says:

    Looks like that power’s actually working out pretty well for him…

  2. steve says:

    who are we talking about again?

    : )

  3. Robert Williams says:

    Gosh, no! This is a great superpower. He wouldn’t even need a mask. Who’d remember that he’d done it?

    Of course, being called a jerk probably isn’t too good.

  4. AGirlNamedCorrie says:

    Who is he again?

  5. Christopher says:

    The word Badass reminds me of Mr. T, or Laurence Fishburne. Oh, Doug, draw the two togeter in a v.s. strip, that would be epic. Matrix meets the A-Team.

  6. BarefootMedia says:

    Who was that chicken?!
    What chicken?
    Um, uh, what were we talking about?
    Do ya wanna get something to eat, maybe chicken?

    Reminds me of nights in a dorm room spent in a pleasant cloud. Do you think Forgettable Badass makes everyone in his vicinity high?

  7. Aud says:

    The chicken cop looks great, yet somehow unsatisfied in his questioning.

  8. Seraphine says:

    quite brilliant.
    if one is going to rob banks, anonymity is a great mutant trait– and not as useless as first thought.

  9. willwot says:

    Look up in the sky?
    It is a bird (a Robin I believe)
    It is a plane (747 dummy)
    No, it’s ah forget it.

  10. steve says:

    @Christopher: lol, that would be good, I’ve thought about a Star Wars meets the A-Team toon, with the word’s ‘Quit your Jibba Jabba!’

    : )

  11. Christopher says:

    @Steve: lol, that would be a great one. Poor Jabba, lol…

  12. Commoncents says:

    [tries to initiate brain]
    I guess the cartoonist is saying that our robber here is trying to make some sort of effect in the world, and failing miserably because he/she is just another ‘jerk’. Maybe referring to some sort of robber(s) who are trying to make a change by robbing something today in society…?
    [brain initiation fails]

  13. […] Don’t remember Forgettable Badass? You’re not alone. […]

  14. Mark says:

    Who’s the man with the master plan?
    Whatever he does, he knows he can?
    No seriously, who is he again?

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