18 Responses to Picnic Basket
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lol, that’s awesome, reminds me of the Homer/Flanders skit from one of homer’s dreams.
Wikipedia says: The Simpsons episode “Much Apu About Nothing” pays homage to Yogi Bear in a scene where Moe complains to Mayor Quimby, on a supposed bear outbreak, that “These bears are smarter than the av-er-age bear, they swiped my pic-a-nic basket!” (after which Mayor Quimby is seen to have taken said picnic basket). The episode “When You Dish Upon a Star” features an introductory sequence in which Homer dreams he’s Yogi, with Bart as Boo Boo and Ned Flanders as the Ranger. As they walk through Jellystone Park Bart-Bart warns Homie that Ranger Ned won’t like them stealing picnic baskets (for legal reasons they couldn’t say “pic-a-nic”). Homie reassures his young friend that he’s “smarter than the average bear!”, and easily capable of dealing with Ned. When Ranger Ned does appear to reprimand him, Homie drags Ned behind a bush and viciously mauls him. When Homer wakes, he recalls it as “a beautiful dream”, in which he wore “a hat and tie, with no pants!”
: )
keeps your arms and legs inside the …
Great! 🙂 RAWR.
Hey Doug! This is a good one. Thanks for the laugh on a Monday!
Everyone LOVES chicken.
Lol, that is one happy bear.
The bear was probably just disappointed that there wasn’t any fried chicken in the basket, so he went for the next best thing.
don’t remember Yogi ever roaring
that is so great.
A bird in the basket is better than two in the stock market.
hahaha I love it!! “This handy basket makes for convenient carrying!”
I wonder what his last thought was before the bear turned him into drumsticks?
Hey there, Boo Boo. It’s a pic-a-nic basket!
Why do all Simpson’s fans have to give such detailed explanations of what made some episode funny.
I’m going to say it just because no one else has yet.
“Mr. Ranger is going to like it!”
Err. I meant “isn’t going to…” (need to remember to proof my comments) But I’m sure Mr. Ranger would like some tasty chicken legs, so maybe it works anyhow!
How’s about a “chick-a-nic” basket Boo Boo?
@josh, coz we are sad, : )
and we copy and paste em from the Great Wikipedia.
: )
What do you do when you meet a bear?
Do not play dead until the last moment.