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32 Responses to Captcha

  1. Jochen says:

    So true! Happened to me just yesterday and I totally had to guess. Damn those Captchas ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. steve says:

    that’s about right…

    : )

  3. steve says:

    you could have got one working for the comments Doug, now that would have been good…

    : )

  4. I read it as ‘regie buzma’ … how weird.

  5. Nicole says:

    Yes! Vote for readable captchas!

  6. pera again says:

    a ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah hahahahdhha krklj…

  7. Iris Yan says:

    Haha! I think a lot of people go through that! I did one on it, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Luwano says:

    Damn you unreadable captchas!

    I love the blank look in the fifth panel.

    Generally what I love most are angry chickens and empty looking chickens.

    Talking about profanity and favourite chickens, I just realized Devil Chicken’s last appearance was in January. Is there anything we should worry about?


  9. mike says:

    hahaha, nothing quite like having to hit “recaptcha” four times in a row!

  10. Vhrsti says:

    What a perfect solution!
    Especially the fourth panel is hilarious ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Josh says:

    PEdHE bjj3wd?
    Haha. I always hate these. One I had on Facebook said “Touchy Perverts”

  12. Shadoglare says:

    “Incorrect captcha response. Please re-type your 4 paragraph response and try again.”

  13. Leslie says:

    Love this one… so true!

  14. Sarah says:

    You crack me up like no one else, Doug. This happens to me every other day.

  15. NZQ says:

    The “Piss Off” comics are always the best.

  16. Janet of the great white north says:

    Doug, this is pure gold. I have been having trouble with these lately, probably my aging eyes. It’s nice to see that others appreciate this too. Chickens rawk

  17. phossil says:

    Your chickens arent human then. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. JCC says:

    Most related-to-me Savage comic ever!

  19. Yana says:

    So true. I always have to refresh it at least 3 times before I get a somewhat-readable one.

  20. Raquel says:

    lol…. right-on!

  21. kristina says:

    PEDyiE BiZMP ?

  22. Fedora says:

    Love it!
    This be an annoyance to pirates everywhar!
    …and an attack on my eyesight….

  23. Aud says:

    Speaking of…when using the contact page…*AH-HEM*. Was this a jab at that, I wonder? Tod prefectot.

  24. Jackson says:

    Chickens use TinyPic (c) !!

    Who would’ve thought?

  25. Doug says:

    Thanks for all the great comments, everybody! Nice to see I’m not the only one who has trouble reading those things.

    For the record, I think the captcha says “Argyle gizmo” ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Luwano: That’s true, I haven’t drawn Devil Chicken in a long time, have I? Hmmm I’ll try to think hellish thoughts.

  26. Dandroid says:

    This always happens to me! Captcha? I poop-atcha!

  27. Micky Pain says:


    Note to self:
    Do not eat a banana when reading savage chicken.

    Now, where are those monitor wipes….?

  28. Wikernes says:

    Seriously, do they think a human is gonna understand that crap?
    Cheers, Doug. I love your chickens. :3

  29. Cylon says:

    We all hate those Captcha.

    Btw : first comment here, and I have to tell you : Making chicken so expressive is pure awesomeness !

  30. Luwano says:

    Hold on, you THINK it says “Argyle gizmo”? Haha that’s brilliant.


  31. SD says:

    If you click 4 times on recaptcha in a row it should automatically know you are human.

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