I’ll Be Back
Featuring the love ballad, “Come With Me If You Want to Live”. Here are my other Terminator sequel ideas.
This one’s dedicated to Tony!
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Of course you’ve seen this, then:
By Andrew Schwarzenwebber!
Have you seen Total Recall the musical?
“Get your arse to Mars!!”
lol, that would be great.
: )
I’m gonna think up some more songs right after I fix this…..
Haha, that’s great, a musical I’d probably watch.
I should stop drinking while reading your cartoons. Just sprayed coffee all over my screen…
Lee: same here – we both should know better, shouldn’t we?! 😀
and in the ending he’ll sing “hasta la vista babeeeeeeeeeeee” awesome ><
Looks good, I’m in 😀
YES! I would pay so much money to see that! 🙂
I was going to say this reminds me of the Silence of the Lambs parody/musical, but it looks like other people are thinking along the same lines! Good stuff.
And the tear-jerker, “Come With Me If You Want to Love”
an I think that’s “Come with me if you want to be loved…” in a Barry White voice. hahahaha! while backup sings “hasta, hasta, hasta la vista baby, baby, baby”
Thanks for making my day Doug… too funny!
the next thing you’ll want to do is
give the terminator a sponge bath…
I left my quantum physical heart, in the metaphysically unexplored future that may or may not come true because as Doc Brown once stated the Future isn’t written yet, of San Francisco.
Who am I but a laser red-eyed over compensating trinunium metal wreakin’ machine. You can bake me or break me but I will beeeeee baaaaaacccccckkkkkkkk.