Return of Tree Astronaut

Here’s more Tree Astronaut.

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28 Responses to Return of Tree Astronaut

  1. Nicole says:

    I just shared this piece of geniality on facebook. What an amazing idea 😀 And I love how you can see the twigs inside Tree.

  2. mariusg says:

    I saw once something like that happening after a McChicken.

  3. zootsuit says:

    What would Zombie Tree Astronaut crave? Pine Cones?

  4. sheala says:

    ha! imagining the sparrow growing into a giant killing machine now!

  5. Luu says:

    Oh my!!!! Love the Tree astronaut’s expression!!

  6. moi says:

    hee hee hee, great to get in my email inbox in the morning 😀

  7. Jackson says:

    I laughed out loud. Your spoofs of movies and television are my favorite!

    I’m looking forward to the book, hope there are lots of these.

  8. Niri Tacen says:

    Doug, I read your latest cartoon every morning when I come in to work. It always brightens my day. Today I needed it more than ever, because I am waiting to hear on my friends and family who were caught in the earthquake in Christchurch. It’s a very hard time for us, and to have your cartoons bring a moment of light into our darkest day is wonderful.

    Thank you Doug. Don’t ever stop creating these gems.

    From Niri,
    New Zealand.

  9. Matt says:

    Surprise! well for the tree at least hehe

  10. Jean says:

    Usually, when I say LOL, I mean it in that Internet way. ‘Cause I don’t usually laugh out loud. I did at this. And scared my cat.

  11. willlwot says:

    Question If the TreeNaut were a naughty tree would it be a Knotty Pine? thus would it or should it be called a TreeKnot? and the dove of peace should have made a very scary scccccccrrrrrreeeeeee noise when it erupted from its branched cocoon. PPPPIIIIINNNNNEEEEECCCOOOONNNNEESSS

  12. Colin says:


  13. willwot says:

    how do I add an aviatar?

  14. Hilarious and clever – I’m always impressed, but this one is in my top ten!

  15. Aud says:

    I love how it’s a bird, not an alien. VERY clever. 🙂

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