It’s been so long since I’ve drawn Timmy Tofu, I’d almost forgotten his name!
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Tsk, chickens and their memory capabilities…
lol, reminds me of the old Only Fools and Horses joke, where Trigger keeps calling Rodney Dave.
How’d they get to the island? Backstory, please.
awww yeaa timmy is back 😀
a clear case of S.M.T.L.
(short memory temporary loss..) 😛
i’m interested to know if the palm tree is related to Tree Astronaut.
Hooray! Timmy’s back! Where will he find pr0n on a deserted island?!
I am glad to wear a name badge to work that way I know at least one person and not have to remember who I am.
I <3 Timmy give me more Tofu.
Go Vegan (Porn….)
I absolutely love it! Great comic doug lol!
Thank you, Doug, thank YOU!!!! I have missed Timmy so much :)))))
Luu from Czech Rep.
Oh yay! I was craving tofu…
Prosopagnosia comics yay.
LOL! Me and tofu regularly stare blankly at each other too!
If it were prosopagnosia, wouldn’t he have just walked by Timmy without the recognition?
I took this as a failure to recall names (whatever that is called). How many have temporarily forgotten their own middle name? Come on, show of hands. Anyone? Stupid memory.
It’s been so long since you’ve drawn Timmy, I’d almost forgotten he was Tofu. I remembered him as being a PC case (tower style)!