Cat Adventures 7
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considering an infinite amount of time and infinite battery charge, a cat playing around and rolling over a keyboard would eventually come up with shakespear’s complete oevre (considering cat fur wouldn’t damage the computer in, like, 3 months – which is a purely theoretical situation)
Cat adventures rule! +Glad you didn’t make a “royal wedding” themed drawing 🙂
Lucky you….
my cats ripped my keyboard keys out before they even got to the second “b”….
That’s great Doug, we need this one on a mug ! You’re right Ivan, I saw lots of royal wedding themed drawings this morning. Only this one made me laugh out loud :
this laptop had an attached mouse once.
Close! But you missed the part where the cat pees in the keyboard and it no longer works… 😉
indeed, cat adventures are great!
I love Cat Adventures! They make me wish to have a cat like that hehe My cat is soooo normal… ;P
I have a collection of when my cats have done that.
MeOw MEow mEoW typed the wounded cat diva
Doug, do you have a cat?
I love ur work by the way, especially the cat ones!
Cat adventures rules !!
There’s softwareto prevent that!