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lol, awesome. reminds me of my time working in a library.
Hehe, I think this is a warning that I should get to the library to work on my PhD… if only it wasn’t so lonely … on a cold and grey friday morning… in the library 😉
I don’t get it. I thought OCD’s defining characteristic was to excessively repeat an action and that doesn’t seem to apply to the encyclopedia galactica.
Yeah I was thinking less of OCD and more along the lines of the colloquial meaning of “obsessive-compulsive”, (or there’s also Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, which involves over-the-top perfectionism and being excessively meticulous)
Makes sense.
When I was growing up we didn’t have Internet, but I had my own rack of Encyclopedia Britannica and I do believe I read it all the way through.
Hyperlinking has really changed learning for the knowledge hungry ADD geek. You just can’t read Wikipedia from beginning to end.
he will never finish it. 😛
Bawk? 😉
I cannot read this cartoon until you include the missing sections ADP, AFP, AFQ and AFR…..and Volume ADR – AER is shorter than the rest. The volumes should be all the same height. Let me know when this is all fixed so I can look at this cartoon again. Upsetting, very upsetting.
umm, isn’t that the correct way?
Most of the questions I get in regards to types of reference materials is what and how do I use an encyclopedia? Wikipedia destroyed the encyclopedia. This is Hilarious, Vol. Hib-Hil general given name to Roman Stand-up Comedian playing at the Amphitheater on Friday and Saturday Augustus 8th and 9th 53AD
Full name Hyrum Larius Funnicus Comediaus also playing on the Emperor’s Barge on the Tiber River Augustus 15th and 16th 53AD
Bratanica and world book never was like this
“Brat”anica. Surely a typo. Oh, wait, NO! Is that why my parents bought me that?! 😯
Sooo, someone finally printed out Wikipedia?