Looking Good

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13 Responses to Looking Good

  1. Henrik says:

    If PETA is getting annoyed from video games, what’s stopping them here? 😛 Greeting from Estonia!

  2. steve says:

    now this just makes me want to buy a possum and make it into a hat!


  3. barfly bill says:

    Col Saunders
    Had a toupee

  4. eli says:

    my cat is in danger…. regards from Chile

  5. Chris says:

    I guess we know what died on their heads.

  6. Patty says:

    I love the chicken cave art.

  7. Brandi says:

    Does the heiroglyph have a toupee as well? Classic.

  8. Wildbird says:

    Cave Bear toupees and opossumsourus toupees I dont think i ever saw fred and barney wearing these

  9. Ant says:

    PETA will be unhappy with this!

  10. Mike says:

    Reading much Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal lately?


    Not the same joke, I know, and I chuckled at both. But I must say it was odd seeing two internet comics in a row about cavemen with animals draped on their heads.

  11. Matthew says:

    Such a shame. Such a cute possum, put to waste. Good comic Doug 🙂

  12. willwot says:

    is this what maybe called heavy-browwed humor or just over the top?

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