Visor Prototypes

Here’s more Star Trek.

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19 Responses to Visor Prototypes

  1. Ant says:

    LOL @ Reading Rainbow.

  2. steve says:

    got to love the Star Trek cartoons

    thanks Doug


  3. Jim Stud says:

    I’ll go for the Groucho’s glasses.
    We want star trek chickens!!

  4. HAHAHA That’s hilarious!

  5. Don says:

    You forgot the hair barrette which is what he was actually using.

  6. Kehos says:

    I want a monocle!

  7. Sarin says:

    Looks like harmonica eventually won…

  8. Jackson says:

    I notice that Geordi apparently picked up some of the Cylons’ frowning menace from that visor.

    Vwum, vwum.

  9. mariusg says:

    :))) the best ever

  10. Keith says:


    I honestly can say that, with the loss of Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side years ago, comics have become dull and uninteresting.

    I start my day with you and I am never disappointed. I find myself sharing your material as much as I shared those two.

    God bless and keep up the great work!

  11. Jan says:

    You forgot the hairband. Awesome!

  12. willwot says:

    Jordie got da lookkkkk

  13. Wildbird says:

    You forgot oversized sun glasses

  14. Gail says:

    First off, this is awesome. I love the viewmaster version.
    Second, I (and I think 3 or 4 others before me–whoops) tweeted this to Lavar Burton. He retweeted it! Yay chicken* love!


  15. Denise says:

    I think he is still using the Reading Rainbow visor! I love that one. Although the eyepatch and spyglass was rather borg-ish. Resistance is futile.

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