A Lost Art

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7 Responses to A Lost Art

  1. Nozomi says:

    HAHAHA! Reminds me of all those butter sculptures you see at those agricultural fairs!

  2. steve says:

    mmm, cheese busts.


  3. Hugo says:

    Great idea! Where can I get my cheese bust done?

  4. InvisiTech says:

    As long as it’s not runny Camembert… You know how that ends up… (“I’m afraid the cat ate it.”)

    Thanks for reminding me of one of the funniest Monty Python sketches ever.

  5. Wildbird says:

    Cheeses busts fell from popularity becuase the meeces ate them

  6. willwot says:

    Mine would have been done with swiss cheese

  7. Tom says:

    You can’t spread silver halide emulsions on crackers!

    Well, okay, theoretically you can but it’s not very tasty.

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