
Dedicated to Nate’s dad Forest, because it’s his birthday, and he likes coffee.

Here’s more coffee.

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10 Responses to Caffeine

  1. Ant says:

    Chickens are cheap and easily replacable. 😀

  2. steve says:

    lol, i do it the other way, substitute the regular coffee for decaf, after a month switch to the extra strength coffee and watch them go!


  3. I think that my wife has been testing this idea out on me.

  4. Kehos says:

    I hope my coffee won’t do that to me, I have statistics to calculate! 🙂

  5. Stuart says:

    Hilarious. Sent it to my #evilmadscientists and coffee-freak educator friends as it reminded me of HS Chemistry in Fort Atkinson, WI with Mr. Bob LaHann (circa 1978) and the titration experiment (dissolving a solution of known formula into a second solution of unknown formula to supersaturate the second formula to ascertain the second’s formula. see:

    Thanks Mr. LaHann – Booyah to science!

    Great ‘toon Doug.

  6. Tom says:

    The trick is to stop drinking when you feel your hairline begin to recede. That keeps the head swelling to a safe level.

  7. Wildbird says:

    I realy hate that robot boss

  8. Rebecca says:

    Both father & son were delighted. Thank you so much!!!! ~Momma Chicken

  9. willwot says:

    Hell to clean up those chicken brains, but that is why I am glad I am the zombie janitor.

  10. Dale Yuzuki says:

    Caffeine: works like a charm for productivity.

    Except when it doesn’t. 🙂

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