Late Again
More time-traveling chickens.
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lol. don’t be late, unless it’s fashionably late.
I’ll be back …. in time.
Hehe! Why IS he late?
What is the meeting about?
How are they going to drink that coffee?
Are they in fact all the same chicken?
Very clever lol
I’m just wondering whether that’s three different time-traveling chickens or just one…
Did it include THE GUARDIAN of FOREVER?
And of course there is always one that shows up early, brown beaker
At least he’s honest…better that than some stumbling, stuttering half-baked excuse involving a non-starting cars, doctors appointments or bees.
Where’s the TARDIS?
This is amazing! (I almost got fired for being late today haha)
Hey take the TIME TUNNEL it can send you into various appointments in time but youll eventiualy end up on the deck of the TITANIC
Hey, he might have an excuse if show up any earlier would have caused a paradox… though I know from your other cartoons that chickens don’t believe in paradoxes, still, it’s an excuse
Another appearance of the chicken with the diagonal POV (I’m sure I’ve got the term wrong), after that Welsh Scrabble one!
heheh yeah I snuck another one in!
Hey, you’re pandering to the Americans. Is that because you would get more mail from Americans who think you spelled “traveler” wrong than you would from Canadians who know you spelled “traveller” wrong? Or are you just a slave to your US-centric spellchecker?
Ha! Well that is true – most of my readers are American, so I would get a lot more emails telling me I spelled “traveler” wrong. But the truth is that after years of working as a technical writer, I have grown accustomed to using American English by default – a common practice in technical documentation circles, and I kept up the habit when I started cartooning! 🙂