Boring Comics

Today’s cartoon is dedicated James, who is celebrating a birthday today! Happy Birthday James!

Here are more superheroes.

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9 Responses to Boring Comics

  1. Heather says:

    Oh my. Hardy was a set author at high school, and he still bores me rigid three decades on…

  2. James says:


    • ferromaggie says:

      Come to think of it, I’d be really grateful if someone would sell me the complete works of Hardy with Batman illustrations for a dime

  3. willwot says:

    next get Superman to read Henry James, only the man of steel could be able to hold onto the commatical thought process and still tell me what the *&%$ he was trying to tale.

  4. Mark says:

    A perfect place for Useless Mutants!

  5. Wildbird says:

    Something riight out of WACKY PACKAGES those fun bubblegum stickers

  6. Tom says:

    I read Jude The Obscure. Long, boring and real downer. I pity Batman.

  7. Wildbird says:

    Boring Comics a sure cure for insomnia Famous readers SLEEPING BEAUTY and RIP VAN WINKLE

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