Sending a Message
Dedicated to readers (and cat adventure fans) Julie & Josh on their 7th wedding anniversary!
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Hehehe, you have to offer them alternatives. I noticed it helps if you just stroke them occasionally and don’t give them treats all the time. 🙂
now I’m confused, is that a small cat, or a large chicken?
Gratz to Julie & Josh, have a fantastic day! 🙂
Oh, that’s everyday with my cat. But he even will crash things around if he doesn’t get food!
That is how I, as a zombie, act with my food source even the digging.
Dont let the kitty on your head
My Birthday is may the 5th and I would like too see PROD 3000 join forces with the Daleks against the doctor and his companion chicken… I’m mean I’d like to see a doctor who themed chicken comic… yeah 😉
This reminds me 100% of Simon’s Cat on youtube!
that’s how I wake up every morning… I don’t even need an alarm clock :3
Hilarious! Thanks so much for the cartoon, it made my whole day!
True like life itself!
Love it! You are so clever, Doug! 🙂 If you pay attention, cats are actually very good communicators! 🙂