Our Hero

More birds and planes.

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17 Responses to Our Hero

  1. Lior says:

    Something similar was created on this Hebrew webcomic:

  2. steve says:

    lol, birdplaneman should be in the Unusual Mutants


  3. Ben Scott says:

    There’s also the song “Birdplane” by Axis of Awesome. Complete with music video:


    Great minds think alike, I guess. 🙂

  4. Alen says:

    Love it! 🙂

  5. MattG says:

    So those first two guys to spot Superman and thought that he was a bird or a plane…

    What the hell were they so excited about?

  6. Wildbird says:

    I see where they have deleloped some ANGRY BIRDS airliners

  7. Tom says:

    His powers include the ability to contort himself just so in order to fit through doorways.

  8. willwot says:

    Is there a stewardess ooops flight attendant that goes along with as the sidekick cohort?

  9. Wildbird says:

    Can he communicate with birds like hawkman does?

  10. Steven Kraan says:

    love it ^__^ can’t wait for some adventures with him (or it)

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