Plan of Attack

Dedicated to Jenny F., who is celebrating a birthday today – happy birthday Jenny! Also dedicated to Jenny and John’s cat Snowball.

Here are more cat adventures and a few rat adventures too.

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11 Responses to Plan of Attack

  1. John says:

    Smart mice!

  2. Wildbird says:

    Some cats like to chase anything even laser light points

  3. Jeremy says:

    The holders of U.S. patent 5443036 “Method of exercising a cat” are so going to sue… hope you know a good lawyer.

  4. Marci says:

    Wow! This is so cool!! It’s my birthday too and I love cats. Thanks Doug

  5. Ian C says:

    Just out of curiosity…what are some of the worst investments the mice have ever made? I can’t say that I’ve ever wondered about a mouse investment portfolio before!

  6. Mary says:

    Love the kitty’s eyebrows!

  7. willwot says:

    mice that have converted to science

  8. Amb says:

    How are the mice putting the laser pointer on the same wall that the hole is in? They’d have to be aiming at a mirror in the distance 😉

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