A Proud History

This one’s dedicated to reader Ronnie G. – Happy birthday, Ronnie – I hope the day goes well!

Here are more cat cartoons!

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14 Responses to A Proud History

  1. steve says:



  2. willwot says:

    you for got the part where they fluffy the pillow.

  3. Wildbird says:

    From ancent egypt to the 21st century and all those catnaps in between

  4. Kehos says:

    Well they prefer different sides in different centuries

  5. numen says:

    I wonder what historical events made the cats turn …

  6. Ronnie Godfrey says:

    Doug, thank you SO much for this! It was the absolute high point of my day, which was pretty awful as everything that could go wrong at the chemo session did go wrong, from having a bad reaction to the first drug to The line implanted in my vein to carry the drugs blocking solid. However, despite the procedure taking 10 hours altogether instead of the 6 it should’ve taken, it’s better than the alternative!

    Very best wishes for your continued success and more thanks

    Ronnie (Veronica) Godfrey

    PS I have decided that my birthday will carry on for the next few days as the first one didn’t go to plan! The joys of idiosynchratic old age, eh?

    • Doug says:

      Well I’m glad to hear that this comic helped make a rough day a little bit better, Ronnie. Hope you’re feeling okay today. And I think you should definitely keep celebrating your birthday for a few more days! 🙂

  7. I’m just wondering why the “random” dates, when more significant years could have been chosen (for the cats to ignore…) I mean, why not 33AD, 1066, 1215 (Magna Carta), 1492, 1605 (Gunpowder Plot), 1865, 1945…? Or any others with some sort of historical significance…or do these dates have a significance in some other frame of reference?

    • Doug says:

      I had more historically-significant dates in an earlier draft, but I thought it detracted from the joke because then it became more of a guess-why-this-date-is-significant game. But I kept 1867: the Confederation of Canada.

      Of course, every date is significant to somebody. See if you can guess which of the above dates correspond to the following events: Poland defeats Russia at the Battle of Smolensk; the word “smog” is coined in London (naturally); construction begins on the Kremlin; construction begins on the Pantheon; and Emperor Go-Saga becomes 88th emperor of Japan.

      Of course, cats slept through all of this!

  8. aasasd says:

    I feel vague need for this in a material form the size of the wall next to me. Not sure though ’cause it’s late night here and I need sleep.

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