The Cat from Outer Space

Happy birthday Linda! This one’s for you!

Here’s more science fiction.

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11 Responses to The Cat from Outer Space

  1. JD says:

    I thought his name would have incremented to Zunar J5 slash 9 Doric 48

  2. Tracy says:

    One of my favorite movies! 😀

  3. willwot says:

    There are no hard to reach places.

  4. Linda says:

    Yay!!! Thank you soooo very much! Bestest present ever!! 🙂

  5. Odalie says:

    I share these with a very dear friend, Janet, who has a white cat. The cats name is MR. Kitty. You capture his personality in so many of these. LOVE my Savage Chickens…..Thank you as always for putting a smile on my face today and for my dear friend Janet. 🙂

  6. Jen says:

    One of my absolute favorite movies as a kid!

  7. Blisschick says:

    I actually had a poster of this on my wall as a kid! My love of cats and sci-fi all rolled up into one!

    I just re-read that, and suddenly, I’m feeling very old… O.o

  8. Luu says:

    One of the best ever!

  9. […] to Linda – Happy birthday to you! (Continuing my Dangerous Cats theme for your […]

  10. […] to Linda – Happy birthday to you! (Continuing my Dangerous Cats theme for your […]

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