Management Strategy

Dedicated to Shay – happy birthday!

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9 Responses to Management Strategy

  1. Graham Freeman says:

    Lovely! More alligators please! They look so good!

  2. Tom says:

    Now I know what my office is missing!

  3. Nick says:

    I’m actually surprised this isn’t more widely implemented. Seems like a pretty cost-effective solution to improve worker productivity

  4. willwot says:

    Gotta love a gator that loves its job.

  5. Tom says:

    Another NASA Kennedy Space Center innovation reaching the marketplace…

  6. kingklash says:

    Is it applicable to bachelor parties and Bar Mitzvahs?

  7. Leak says:

    I think I’ll stay with The Stanley Parable…

  8. Yanni says:

    This is brilliant!

  9. Ant says:

    Where can I buy these gators for work?

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