Pig Mysteries

More bedtime stories.

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12 Responses to Pig Mysteries

  1. Nell Nelson says:

    This is WONDERFUL.

  2. Gale says:

    This chicklet needs The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Told from the wolf’s point of view, this book may lay to rest all of those questions the chicklet is asking! 😀

  3. Bassy Galore says:

    Brilliantly true.

  4. Haley says:

    haha! he took this story way to literally… 🙂
    Great one!

  5. qka says:

    Maybe the bedtime story should be about the fox in the henhouse. Would give the youngster something to worry about other than suburban sprawl into wolf habitat.

  6. willwot says:

    Kid you’ll make a great reporter someday. Too bad you weren’t around when . . .

  7. Nick says:

    Okay, other than all of Corporate Survivalist Chicken, this is probably one of my most favorite comics I’ve ever seen on here!

  8. JaneC says:

    Have you been secretly spying on my second grade music class? This is exactly what happens whenever I try to give a short lecture.

  9. Dan W says:

    My three-year-old daughter has been asking a lot of questions during her bedtime story lately. I fear this is the next step!

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