Pig Mysteries
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Thanks Nell! Glad you liked this 🙂
This chicklet needs The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Told from the wolf’s point of view, this book may lay to rest all of those questions the chicklet is asking! 😀
Brilliantly true.
haha! he took this story way to literally… 🙂
Great one!
Maybe the bedtime story should be about the fox in the henhouse. Would give the youngster something to worry about other than suburban sprawl into wolf habitat.
Kid you’ll make a great reporter someday. Too bad you weren’t around when . . .
Okay, other than all of Corporate Survivalist Chicken, this is probably one of my most favorite comics I’ve ever seen on here!
Wow – thanks Nick!
Have you been secretly spying on my second grade music class? This is exactly what happens whenever I try to give a short lecture.
My three-year-old daughter has been asking a lot of questions during her bedtime story lately. I fear this is the next step!