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7 Responses to Stomping

  1. Sam says:

    LOVE IT! Thanks for the daily chuckle.

  2. ash says:

    This comic has an excellent set up. Then the last jigsaw puzzle piece is stomped into place. Then the joke is complete, and then I fall to pieces.

    He should learn interpretive dance next. The whole body is probably needed to express every nuance of his reptilian emotions. Or perhaps that’s what he was doing originally.

  3. willwot says:

    Aye and a no finer pupil have they had, except for picking up the pieces to the studio. Or is this the mass dance scene from the movie Fame that got left on the cutting room floor???

  4. Wildbird says:

    And its not St Patrick day

  5. Maria E. says:

    As someone who has done Irish dance off and on since high school, I LOVE this. XD A great many kudos to you, sir.

  6. Wildbird says:

    King Kong does irish jig

  7. Smith says:

    Just you wait until he learns…
    The chicken dance

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