The Dream Job

It’s a special day here in chicken land, because this is my 3000th comic! Wow. Three thousand! How is that even possible? One comic at a time, I suppose.

This milestone makes me think about all the good that Savage Chickens has brought to my life โ€“ so much fun and so many new opportunities and experiences โ€“ including next week’s big milestone: the release of my first graphic novel!

Three thousand comics is a lot of work – some of it when I probably could have used a nap! – but I just kept drawing and drawing. Because making comics is really fun, and I love making people laugh. It’s the best job ever. Thanks for reading and for encouraging me to keep at it! I think I’ll start drawing 3000 more comics!

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59 Responses to The Dream Job

  1. Ant says:

    Wow! Awesome. Let’s get to 6K! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. ant says:

    Great job, Doug! And 3000 thank yous for all of the laughs ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. juhan says:

    Happy 3000! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Anon. says:

    thanks for not napping too much!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ love your stuff day after day after day …

  5. Sharyn says:

    Congratulations! And thanks for all the laughs ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Inรชs C. says:

    Congratulations! I don’t think I’ve commented before, but I’ve been following Savage Chickens for years and it’s one of my favorites. Your sense of humor is great, and you seem like a kind, cool person. Here’s to another 3000!

  7. Kim says:

    Awesome job Doug! No one makes me laugh harder! Here’s to many more! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Karina says:

    Thank you Doug! I start my workday with chickens every day, so you’ve kept me going. Your work related stickies are far too close to home most days. THANK YOU!!!

  9. Leomar says:

    Congratulations and thanks for the great work.
    Hugs from Brazil!

  10. Joatham says:

    And I have read all of them !! Congratulations and a very warm thank you from one of your biggest fan in France =)
    I can’t wait for thousands more laughs

  11. Sonja says:

    What a milestone! Thanks for all the laughs and for all the work mornings you have brightened. Hope there’s a good nap in your future.

  12. Sam says:

    Doing something creative for 3000 times is AMAZING. Thanks for making all of us chuckle. Can’t wait for “LAser Moose” to arrive.

  13. Matt Dupuis says:

    Congratulations, Doug! Long live the Chickens!

  14. Willwot says:

    Inception would say you are in a nap now, perhaps?!?;^)

  15. Willwot says:

    Matrix would state you are in a nap in someone else’s nap, perhaps?!?;^)

  16. Willwot says:

    The Lathe of Heaven states that you are in a nap in someone else’s nap but only they can be the only one that can wake you, perhaps?!?;^)

  17. Willwot says:

    You could really already have done 5000, perhaps?!?;^) been lurking in and pecking at the chickens for quite a while and have enjoyed all thanks Doug you da chicken!

  18. Nat says:

    Doug, you’re awesome.
    Happy 3K!!

  19. Andy says:

    Congrats on the milestone. Thanks for the laughs.

  20. Karina says:

    Congrats Doug. I am glad you have been part of my morning routine for almosf 3000 days (i started late)

  21. Carrie says:

    Congratulations and thanks for the laughs!!

  22. Chris Thoma says:

    Doug, I am so happy you found your dream job. You write and draw some funny stuff. You’ve got mad skills. Best of luck!

  23. Kiki says:

    Congratulations! Thanks so much for sticking with this! I’ve been reading since the early days (Though I think this is my first, maybe second, comment) I love your work & love to share a smile.

  24. Rusty says:

    Congratulations Doug! You’re making the world a better place by bringing the funny in unique and insightful ways! Celebrate your achievement and keep your foot on the gas! ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. michelle says:

    Congratulations Doug! What a milestone. Thank you for all the laughs over the years, and keep on clucking’. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Linda says:

    Thank you Doug. I love how you read & respond to our comments & all the personalized birthday greetings! Keep ’em coming & we’ll keep on reading them.

  27. Doug says:

    Thanks for the great comments, everybody! You’ve made my day! ๐Ÿ˜€

  28. LOL says:

    You’ve done an amazing job over the years Doug! Here’s to 3000 more! (P.S. please respond to this comment)

  29. Janouk says:

    Congratulations indeed! I’m getting close to my 9-year subscription anniversary, I can’t believe it’s been this long! Time flies when you’re having fun =D
    I’ve often shown your daily treasures to my friends, colleagues, family; whether it was the rare find of the Kahlua-bear to a friend in Australia, the neurologists playing pin-the-brain to a doctor-in-training, or your poor chickens in office cubicles to…anyone really.

    And it’s also so exciting, your own graphic novel! I hope it will do well, and I’m happy for you to see that the first reviews are very positive! And how could they not be, when the heroes are a moose with laser eyes and a cute optimistic rabbit on its back <3

    Good luck Doug! Now have that well-deserved nap ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Doug says:

      Thanks Janouk! Time certainly has flown, so we must be having fun! Hmmm I thought about taking a nap, but there’s just so much to do. Fun stuff, for the Laser Moose launch! I’m starting to think that I might not be built for naps, even if I’d like to think that I’m the napping type ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Ido says:

    Thank you Doug, your comics are just great, I post the birthday ones as birthday greeting for my friends all the time. Keep at it, you’re adding lots of joy to my life!

  31. RogerR says:

    Here’s to the next 3,000. Thanks for the laughs and insights. Or you could retire and, well, I dunno, maybe keep chickens?

    PS it has taken 4 hours to compose and submit this. Wifi signal here is dodgy – in a rural village all of 80 miles from a lttle town called London, England…

  32. BKA says:

    Congratulations and all that

    I’ve been reading your comics everyday for about 8 years now and I still remember the comic that got me.
    Death works from home…
    That joke is one of the very few things in my life that makes me happier every time i think about it, no matter where I am.

    So, thank you very much for making life a little more bearable just by showing how comical our daily problems can be.

    Ps.: If you ever get the chance to come to Brazil, let me know, so I can buy you a beer and you can sign for me one of yours books I have.

  33. Andy says:

    Congrats Doug! I might not come to comment very often, but I always read. Your comics brighten my day. Thanks!

  34. Erin says:

    Congratulations! Your comics have prompted so many smiles and laughs for so long now! Thank you so much!

  35. Gavin says:

    It’s so amazing to see you’ve finally hit three thousand! I can’t believe I’m witnessing such history! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Gavin says:

    I absolutely love how you made the milestone comic about yourself. Very clever ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. Random Chicken (Gavin) says:

    How does one change their icon photo?

  38. Silviu says:

    Your chickens make my day worthwhile and some of that “Work” stuff, man, did I see myself in there or what? ๐Ÿ˜€ To 3000 and more, Doug.

  39. Random Chicken (Gavin) says:

    Speaking of 3000, it would be funny if you made a comic with Prod 3000 with the milestone in mind. ๐Ÿ˜€

  40. Laina Lamb says:

    Congratulations Doug! I treasure my birthday comic from you, and wish you all the best on your graphic novel launch. Please keep making us laugh ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. candybowl says:

    way to go! Keep on chicken’ ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Oliver Kuster says:

    Keep it up!

    Do you have a Patreon account?

  43. Ivan says:

    Congrats, Doug!

    I love your comics so much, and I keep going back to the old ones from time to time. There’s a few I can say are my absolute favorites, but it’s really hard to even create top 10. I can’t wait to read Laser Moose and Rabbit boy. You’ve done a great job, please continue to do so in the years to come!

    Greetings from Serbia ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. […] it was a fun year on the chickening front as well – and I reached the awesome milestone of my 3000th comic! Here’s my class photo of all of the characters who appeared in more than one comic this […]

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