
Well I didn’t set out to do a Coronavirus theme week, but it just kind of happened. Thanks for all the great feedback on this week’s comics!

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5 Responses to Crisis

  1. Sonja Poor says:

    Thanks for all the great comics. This is always a bright spot in any morning, and especially so now.

  2. Cathy W. says:

    Thank you for this lovely reminder that most people are kind, considerate, and compassionate.

  3. Katie says:

    I <3 Savage Chickens! Thanks for the smiles during this hard time. I save them for rainy days like today that I can't even go outside!

  4. Steve says:

    Thank you for what, as always, makes me smile. You have mastered “Killing it” with a comic, day-in, day-out, without becoming repetitive or stuck in a rut.

  5. Nell says:

    You’re spreading the anti-pessimism vaccine very well, Doug!

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