CT Scan

Another drawn-and-photographed comic from my recent hospital adventure.

I am feeling so much better today. Thanks everybody for all the nice Get Well Soon messages!

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8 Responses to CT Scan

  1. Susan Shyluk says:

    I am so happy that you are alright. Stay well and try to not need a repeat visit of those cool tunnels if possible! Merry Christmas and thanks for the laughs!

  2. Sonja Poor says:

    So glad you are feeling better. Take care!

  3. Antonio says:

    Also, don’t beat yourself up about becoming ill. Firstly, it doesn’t help to beat yourself, secondly, a lot of it is our environment, like when you work at a desk and it pinches your neck etc.

    Get well soon!

  4. Howard says:

    Those things used to be scary until they realized they could put them at the end of water slides.

  5. Michelle says:

    Glad you’re doing better Doug. Take care, and have a great holiday.

  6. Jeff Shyluk says:

    You gotta try it when they stick you in head first! Those are better than the PNE Roller Coaster, woo-hoo!! Hopefully you don’t have bullet shrapnel when you go in. That can make you howl a little. When you come out, though, they see perfect pictures of you, and you’re on your way to getting better!

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