
Missing you, Mom, but also feeling grateful for the time we had.

For more about Mom, read my Savage Family Moments comics (or here’s an adorable picture of her). And if you’d like to join me in celebrating her life, you can toast her today with the drink that we always shared together: a cup of Earl Grey tea, black, with a shot of Drambuie on the side.

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10 Responses to Remembering

  1. Ant says:

    Dang. She died young. 🙁

  2. Helena Nelson says:

    This is particularly weird to read when you happen to be … 68 🙂

  3. Sam says:

    I’ll raise a cup of Earl Grey but decline the side (have a play opening tonight with High School kids). I truly understand the bitter sweet moment you are having.

  4. Chris Peterson says:

    I love looking at pictures and remembering the great times with loved ones. Mom left us at 50 in 2002 and Dad at 71 in 2020. Here’s to them!

  5. Michelle Baudais says:

    A different and very personal kind of Remembrance Day. All the best Doug.

  6. May says:

    She seems wonderful. I wish you good memories.

  7. Jen C. says:

    I raise my cuppa of Earl Grey to your mom, Doug. My mom would have raised the Drambuie in her honour, who would have been 68 in a couple months. A piece of your mom’s soul will always remain safely nestled within your heart. I hope you can keep sharing these wonderful bits about her with us, it helps me remember too.

  8. Thorfinn says:

    It will be English Breakfast and a nip of whisky, but with those reservations, I’ll join the toast. My mom had a health scare of her own this summer. It turned out to be freak thing (a tear in the aorta) and did not reflect on her general state of health, which is remarkably good for her 80 years of age. But still, it’s a reminder that she won’t be around forever.

  9. Stacy says:

    When you shared, through your comics, your travels and stories about your Mom in August, I both cried and laughed. Raising a cup of Earls wife, Lady Grey, to your Mom.

  10. Agus says:

    Good people build good memories. Probably, the best legacy lies beneath all those memories.

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